A road through the heart
THERE is no other road in the United States like Route 66, none as treasured in memory, none as much a part of American culture and mythology, none as mourned at its death or as celebrated at its resurrection. The recent enactment of a Route 66 preservation bill, which pumps $10m a year for ten years into preservation projects, is a victory not just for the road but for the grass-roots over bureaucracy.
The original Route 66 stretched more than 2,400 miles, from what is now Grant Park in Chicago on the shore of Lake Michigan all the way to the Santa Monica pier on the Pacific. It ran through America’s heart, from the flat prairies of Illinois and then along the hills and valleys of Missouri, the drylands of Oklahoma and Texas, the mystic deserts of New Mexico, Arizona and California, into the welcoming freeways of Los Angeles. Route 66 was part of the land, bobbing up and down hills rather than cutting through them. And it was part of the cities it linked. It earned its early nickname, “the Main Street of America”, by looking cities in the face, not carelessly bypassing them.
From its birth, in 1926, a unique brand of roadside culture grew along the highway. With no exit ramps to isolate drivers from the country, thousands of gas stations, cafes, motels and tourist traps sprang up along the road. Before the days of franchising and corporate conformity, each of these businesses was the result of an individual dream and each took its special expression.
Route 66 soon became part of American culture. In “The Grapes of Wrath”, John Steinbeck called it the “Mother Road”. Route 66 had its own hit song, a television show and a brand of petrol named after it, and it played a prominent role in any discussion of the American roadfaring experience.
In the late 1960s, however, federal and state highway officials began a not-too- subtle plan to destroy Route 66. New Interstate highways began replacing Route 66 and bypassing the cities. These replacements (which often ran parallel with the old road) were faster, wider and more efficient; though they had none of the charm of Route 66, they took away the traffic. The roadside attractions died like beached whales, and McDonald’s popped up at almost every exit ramp. The last small stretch of Route 66 closed in 1985.
Then came the counter-attack. Grass-roots organizations in the eight Route 66 states, supported around the country and overseas, started a campaign to keep the road alive. Guidebooks detailing every yard of the original route, a monthly magazine and later websites reinforced the effort. Tourists, particularly from Europe and Japan, began to visit sites along the road. In 1995 came the first small victory, when states began marking the original road with Route 66 historic signs.
The new preservation law asks the government to respect the “idiosyncratic nature” of Route 66. How exactly the money will help the preservation effort is not yet known, but a growing number of the old buildings are being done up by private entrepreneurs. Some cities, such as Springfield, in Illinois, are taking more direct action. Route 66 passed through downtown Springfield until the streets were closed in the 1970s to funnel traffic to shopping malls. The Interstate highway replacing Route 66 looped around the city. But now Springfield has changed its mind, and is spending $230,000 to reopen the streets and to bring Route 66’s traffic and people back through the middle of town.
On some estimates, about 80% of the original route is still drivable, even though it is now fragmented into frontage roads, small-town streets, rural highways and isolated patches of asphalt. With luck, the new preservation efforts will keep the Mother Road alive and well.
Результаты конкурсов в рамках празднования Международного дня переводчика 30 сентября 2019:
В конкурсе видеосюжетов:
на тему «Переводов в теории» I место заняли 109 и 209 группы
на тему «Перевод на практике» I место заняли 409 и 507 группы
Поздравляем от всей души!!!!!
В конкурсе переводов
в 2019 году участвовали15 переводческих работ.
По результатам суммарно набранных баллов комиссией были присуждены следующие места:
I место:
Кучинской Галине (409 гр.)
II место
Онопе Светлане (409 гр.)
Костылёвой Юлии (магистрант 2 курса)
III место
Августине Наталье (309 гр.)
Чернявской Екатерине (109 гр.)
Комиссия поздравляет победителей,
а также финалистов конкурса, успешно прошедших предварительный отбор:
Власову Анастасию, 507 группа
Писанко Оксану, 209 группа
Комиссия также выражает благодарность студентам, принявшим участие в конкурсе:
Сташевской-Поповой Диане, 409 группа
Смиченко Яне, 209 группа
Русановской Христине, 209 группа
Щукиной Диане, 309 группа
Афтенюк Ольге, 109 группа
Мариной Кристине, 309 группа
Васильевой Дарье, 209 группа
Лифановой Татьяне, 109 группа
С искренними поздравлениями,
Кафедра теории и практики перевода!