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Кафедра Теории и практики перевода


Семинар №1
25.02.2012, 16:43
Семинар 1.
Text 1. A Life in the Day of Joanna Foster
Joanna Foster, 50, began her working life as a secretary on Vogue. Since then she has had several jobs, including the setting up of a bi-lingual nurser school in Paris, public relations work involving travel with three prime minis¬ters, editing two newspapers for an international business school and director of education for a division of Pittsburgh University. She returned to England to join the Industrial Society and became head of the Equal Opportunities Commission in May. She lives in Oxford with her husband Jerome, a manage¬ment consultant, and her daughter Kate, 17. Her son Hugo, 19, is at Bristol University.
"I usually wake up just before the alarm at about 6.30. We live by the canal in Oxford and first thing in the morning there’s a wonderful peace. The ducks are particularly vocal1 and then there’s the post-dawn2 activity of two cats, followed by Sue Mac-Gregor with her wonderful, authoritative manner3 that makes any disaster sound controllable.
Then there’s a discussion with my husband about who’s going to use the basin4 first, followed by breakfast which is generally a rush - muesli and ba¬nanas, or passion fruit and Greek yoghurt; that’s if our teenagers haven’t been on a late-night raid of the fridge.
I usually leave the house well before eight, sometimes with three speeches and spare clothes all crammed into a large briefcase. If I’m going to Manchester from Oxford the train leaves at seven; if I’m coming to London I like getting there early, arriving at Paddingt on before eight. Manchester takes three-and-a- half hours which is a brilliant time for me, with no telephones. Those around me all have these disturbing telephones, but I just get on with my paperwork and writing speeches which I always leave till the last minute - it gets the adrenalin flowing.
I’m in London two or three days a week and Manchester for two, staying overnight3.1 try not to be away for too long at a stretch6. When I looked around for a hotel in Manchester a year ago, it was important that the Portland was woman-friendly, with hair dryers and irons, and the fact that I feel safe there as a woman on my own. They have a swimming pool, too, which is wonderful after a day of talking and meetings, and a way of keeping fit, or trying to.
My predecessor7 was an aeronautical8 engineer and well known for always carrying her screwdriver9 in her bag, but I carry pictures of my kids and my husband and I take them out and look at them when I’m away from home and need comfort.
I drink less and less tea and coffee and more water nowadays when I’m in the office. I do like good coffee, but you don’t find it in England. When I see my coffee intake going up I know my week is get¬ting on top of me. Lunch is just wherever 1 am. I like a light lunch: a brown sand- y wich, a bap10 or something, with lots of fruit and mineral water, and no alcohol.I do watch my weight", but it’s morejust that a heavy lunch slows you down.
My days are a mixture of‘fronting’12 - going out and making speeches which always carry the same message but are geared13 differently to each kind of audi¬ence - and working on policy, meetings with the press officer14 and so on.
I have a great general feeling of urgency about time rushing by. There is not enough time to accomplish15 everything so I tend to operate on supercharge16 and only change down a gear when I go on holiday.
' Weekends aren’t that relaxing, mostly informal socialising17, impulse clothes buying and chores18 like the supermarket. Jerome is a better shopper than I am and is good at supermarkets; I prefer the open markets with their seductive19 smells and touches. Real equality will come, however, when the man makes out the list20, too.
I have just had my fiftieth birthday and we had an ideal Sunday with all ages from seven to eighty nine. We had lunch by the river, then went punting21 and walking in the meadows22.1 find the meadows in Oxfordshire in June totally seductive with the smell of wild flowers.
I started my career late, after the children, and after a patchwork of odd jobs, so in a way I’m making up23 for lost time. We moved around to the States and Paris because of my husband’s career; it never occurred to me 27 years ago that you did anything else but gather your kids up and move with your husband. But two years after we came back from Pittsburgh was the first time I didn’t uproot-4 and go because I was then at the Pepperell Unit in Oxford and two years into something which I saw as a career.
Before that I had always had an excruciating25 lack of self-confidence and a very big intellectual chip on my shoulder because I hadn’t been to university and because I was bottom of a very bright group at school, all destined for Oxbridge.
In the States all the women seemed to have PhDs and bake their own bread26, jog27 before breakfast and look good in track-suits2S. So on my fortieth birthday I signed up shakily for a modest В A and it was knowing I could do it, although we moved before I finished it, that banished29 my feeling of inferiority30 forever. This is why I identify so strongly with women 'returners'.
If it's been a normal working day here in London, I get back to Oxford at about sevenish, pick up my Saab from the station and drive home. Jerome has a bicycle and chastises31 me endlessly for not doing the same.
Whoever's home first makes the supper. We learned when Jerome was com¬muting32 and only here Friday to Monday that we had to use the time we had together. We now have a golden rule that if we've had a very bad week or are tired on Friday night, you don't talk about the horrors of life but wait till the next day and just enjoy each other's company instead over a nice meal. We might have the remains33 from the weekend on a Monday, or fish which is great in the microwave, soup, lots of bread and cheese.
I like cooking, but only with wonderful flavours and smells like Provencal food. I might have one glass of wine if there's a bottle open. We finish about 9.30 and I phone our parents. My mum lives near Bristol and my dad's in a nursing-home34 nearby, and my father-in-law, who's widowed now, lives in London with his kid sister aged 90.1 catch up on my ironing.
Ruth comes in a couple of afternoons for eight hours and she'll do the cleaning but we each see to our washing and ironing - good training for life.
I am to be in the bedroom by 10.30 to watch Newsnight, but issues with teenagers always come up late at night so the best plans often don't work out. I love the whole process of going to bed and I simply can't hurry that. I have a very long hot bath, reading the papers, and just unwind35 slowly.
By then it's about a quarter to 12 and I usually try and read for a bit. I've recently finished Hugo Young's One of Us and a beautifully illustrated book on Napoleon. I like biographies. Jerome reads poetry, Hughes or Larkin, any¬thing, and often reads aloud to me in bed. So quite often I fall asleep to poetry or to the radio."
by Alison Coles

1. vocal - звучный, шумный
2. post-dawn - после рассвета
3. an authoritative manner - авторитетная, властная манера
4. a basin - раковина
5. to stay overnight - ночевать
6. at a stretch - за (на) один раз
7. a predecessor - предшественник
8. aeronautical - авиационный
9. a screwdriver - отвертка
10. a bap - булочка
11. to watch one's weight - следить за весом
12. fronting - выступление
13. to be geared - быть направленным, приспособленным
14. a press officer - пресс-атташе
15. to accomplish - завершить
16. to operate on supercharge - работать с большой нагрузкой
17. socialising - общение
18. chores - домашние дела
19. seductive - соблазнительный
10. to make out a list - составлять список (покупок)
21. to go punting - плавать на лодке
22. a meadow - луг
2 3.to make up for - компенсировать, нагонять
24. to uproot - сняться с места
25. excruciating - мучительный
26. to bake one's bread - зарабатывать себе на жизнь
27. to jog - бегать трусцой
28. a track-suit - спортивная форма, костюм
29. to banish - изгонять
30. a feeling of inferiority - чувство неполноценности
31. to chastise - зд. ворчать
32. to commute - ездить на работу в город из пригорода
3 3. remains - остатки (еды)
3 4. a nursing-home - дом престарелых
35. to unwind - раскручиваться, расслабляться
1. a late night raid of the fridge - налет на содержимое холодильника поздно вечером
2. ... spare clothes crammed - сменная одежда положена (в чемодан)
J. Paddington - Паддингтон, один из центральных вокзалов Лондона
4. ... it gets the adrenalin going... - в крови повышается адреналин
5. ... my week is getting on top of me - когда я переутомляюсь
6. ... which always carries the same message - которые похожи (схожи) по содержанию
7. I have a great general feeling of urgency - я чувствую, как быстро уходит время
8. ... after a patchwork of odd jobs - после большого количества разной работы
9. I had aways had an excruciating lack of self-confidence - я всегда мучилась отсутствием уверенности в себе
10. ... a very big intellectual chip on my shoulder - меня очень задевало отсутствие высшего образования
11. ... I was bottom of a very bright group at school, all destined for Oxbridge - я была самой слабой ученицей в классе сильных учеников, которые собирались поступать в Оксфорд или Кембридж
12. Ph D - Doctor of Philosophy - доктор философии
13. BA - Bachelor of Arts - бакалавр
14. Provencal Food - провансальские продукты
Exercise 1. Match the adjectives with these nouns using the text:
authoritative peace
relaxing ducks
bright telephones
light • engineer
aeronautical lunch
woman-friendly Sunday
vocal rule
beautifully illustrated activity
wonderful book
ideal manner
seductive hotel
disturbing weekend
golden smells
post-dawn group

Exercise 2. Translate this text into English in writing.

Семья Джоанны Фостер живет в Оксфорде. Она часто ездит в Манчестер и Лондон по делам компании. Так как Манчестер довольно далеко от Оксфорда, Джоанна ночует в отеле «Портленд». Ей нравится этот отель. Там она чувствует себя в безопасности. Ей также нравится, что там есть бассейн, фен для сушки волос и что можно поужинать в номере.
Она всегда берет с собой фотографии мужа и детей и смотрит на них, когда она далеко от дома и скучает по семье. Джоанна следит за своим весом и старается быть всегда в хорошей форме, так как ее работа - это постоянное общение с людьми. Джоанна очень много работает, старается завершить все дела вовремя; она чувствует, как быстро бежит время. Она замедляет свой темп только в праздники.
Джоанна достаточно поздно начала свою карьеру. Сразу после школы она не стала поступать в университет, так как ей казалось, что она самая слабая в классе, где все ученики собирались поступать в Оксфорд. В 40 лёт она получила диплом бакалавра и лишь тогда навсегда рассталась с чувством собственной неполноценности.
Недавно Джоанне исполнилось 50 лет. ЕЕ сыну Хьюго 19 лет, он студент университета в Бристоле, дочь Кейт еще учиться в школе, ей 17 лет. Ее мать живет недалеко от Бристоля, а отец находится в доме для престарелых, недалеко от Оксфорда. Она часто звонит родителям. Джоанна любит читать по вечерам, особенно биографические романы. Джером, ее муж, часто читает ей перед сном стихи.
Exercise 3. Insert the prepositions wherever necessary:
Joanna usually wakes___________just before the alarm ______6.30. Then there’s a discussion her husband_______who’s going to use the basin first, followed____breakfast.They have good breakfast if their kids haven’
been on a late night raid___the bridge. If Joanna goes Manchester____________________
. Oxford, she usually takes the seven o’clock train. If she goes___________
London, she likes to arrive______Paddington_________ eight. She likes the swimming pool
the hotel which is wonderful_______a day___________ talking and
meetings and a way________keeping fit. If she sees her coffee intake going_____________
she knows her week is getting________top_____ her. She celebrated her fiftieth
birthday _____ all ages________seven____________ eighty nine. They had lunch ______ the river and then walked _______ the meadows. Joanna started her career late______

the children, and__________a patchwork _________odd jobs. Then she did her best________
make______ ________the lost time. Yer husband worked _______the States. Then they moved____Paris because_________her husband’s career.
In States, all the women seem_______to have PhDs, jog _____breakfast, and look good _____track-suits. If Joanna works____she gets___Oxford __7. She picks ___her Saab__the station and rides _____home. Her husband endlessly chastises her___________not using the same.They don t talk the horrors__________life but wait________the next day and just enjoy each other”s company _____ a nice meal. On Saturdays she phones _______ her parents.
Then she catches____ ______her ironing. Each ___ the family sees_____ their washing and ironing: it’s good training ___life. _______ a quarter ____10, Joanna usually tries to read ____ a bit. She does it if issues_______ her children do not come________________late
______night. The best plans often don’t work________. Joanna usually falls asleep______
poetry or the radio.

Exercise 4. Read the text “Laser lidar” and study the summary to this text.

Laser lidar
Laser-based lidar (light detection and ranging) has also proven to be an
important tool for oceanographers. While satellite pictures of the ocean surface
provide insight into overall ocean health and hyperspectral imaging provides more
insight, lidar is able to penetrate beneath the surface and obtain more specific data,
even in murky coastal waters. In addition, lidar is not limited to cloudless skies or
daylight hours.
“One of the difficulties of passive satellite-based systems is that there is watersurface
reflectance, water-column influence, water chemistry, and also the influence
of the bottom”, said Chuck Bostater, director of the remote sensing lab at Florida Tech
University (Melbourne, FL). “In shallow waters we want to know the quality of the
water and remotely sense the water column without having the signal contaminated by
the water column or the bottom”.
A typical lidar system comprises a laser transmitter, receiver telescope,
photodetectors, and range-resolving detection electronics. In coastal lidar studies, a
532-nm laser is typically used because it is well absorbed by the constituents in the
water and so penetrates deeper in turbid or dirty water (400 to 490 nm penetrates
deepest in clear ocean water). The laser transmits a short pulse of light in a specific
direction. The light interacts with molecules in the air, and the molecules send a small
fraction of the light back to telescope, where it is measured by the photodetectors.

Abstract (Summary)
Laser lidar. “Laser Focus World”, 2003, v 46, №3, p45.
The text focuses on the use of laser-based lidar in oceanography.
The ability of lidar to penetrate into the ocean surface to obtain specific data in
murky coastal waters is specially mentioned.
Particular attention is given to the advantage of laser-based lidars over passive
satellite-based systems on obtaining signals not being contaminated by the water
column or the bottom.
A typical lidar system is described with emphasis on the way it works.
This information may be of interest to research teams engaged in studying
shallow waters.
Exercise 5. Write a summary to the text “A Life in the Day of Joanna Foster”

A classroom demonstration of automobile stopping distances
By Robert D. Grimm
One almost universal complaint of high school students as well as college
undergraduates is that physics course material is often irrelevant. Recognizing
this problem, we need' to identify things that are important to students and that
are explained by physics concepts. One area that comes to mind almost
immediately is the motion of automobiles. High school students are especially
preoccupied with cars since they are at the age when they are beginning to
drive. Here's a question on automobiles that can teach some physics.
Consider two cars, a 1500-lb economy model and a 3000-lb gas-guzzler
both moving with the same velocity. Which car will stop first if both drivers
lock up the wheels at the same instant?
After the students make predictions, open a driver's manual to the page
where the stopping distances are listed according to the initial velocity of the
car. The figures in such tables are based on smooth stops, without the wheels
being locked and skidded. Note that the data are independent of type of car.
This lack of dependence on mass would also be true with locked wheels.
If the coefficient of friction is the same for two cars on the same surface
(usually a good approximation), then the friction force is мmg and the
deceleration is мg, independent of mass. Two cars of different masses will stop
in the same distance. This idea is not always obvious to students and is also an
idea that has not received a great deal of attention as a classroom
One rather simple demonstration of this concept is shown schematically in
Fig. 1. The two ramps may be constructed from pieces of wood or whatever
materials are available.
For the first trial one bathroom tile is placed on the top of the cart, smooth
side down. The loaded cart is then released and travels down the ramp until it
collides with the end of the shorter ramp.
At this time the tile slides off the cart and skids to a stop just as our
economy car would in the "real life" example. If the ramps are built in such a
way that the angles of inclination are the same, and the separation distance d is
equal to the height of the car, the tile will slide onto the second ramp with very
little interference.
A second run is now made with two tiles. Place the tiles on the cart with
rough surfaces facing each other so they act as one body. These represent the
gas-guzzler car in our example. If the experiment is done carefully, it will be
seen that both cars stop in the same distance.
In both trials visibility of the stopping position can be increased by putting
a flag in the center of the tile and recording where the flag stops on the lower
ramp with a second marker.
For the velocity of the car to be the same for both trials, the relational
kinetic energy of the wheels must be negligible compared to the total kinetic
energy of the cart. A fairly massive cart with light wheels is therefore
suggested. A number of scientific supply houses have carts that closely
approximate this requirement. (From: "The Physics Teacher", N.Y., No. 11,
Демонстрация тормозного пути автомобиля на уроках физики
Гримм Р.Д.
От студентов высшей школы и выпускников колледжей поступает, в
основном, однотипная жалоба на то, что материал курса физики не
находит применения в жизни. Сознавая эту проблему, мы должны
выделить те явления, которые одновременно являются и важными для
студентов и объяснимыми с точки зрения физических понятий. Один
пример приходит на ум почти сразу - это движение автомобилей.
Учащиеся старших классов средней школы особенно интересуются
автомобилями, ибо в этом возрасте они начинают водить машину. Вот
задача об автомобилях, которая позволяет несколько углубить знания по
физике. Рассмотрим два автомобиля - экономичную модель весом в 700 кг
и «пожиратель бензина» весом в 1200 кг - движущиеся с одинаковыми
скоростями. Какой автомобиль остановится раньше, если оба водителя
затормозят одновременно?
После того как студенты выскажут свои предположения, откройте
«Руководство по вождению автомобиля» на странице, где указаны
различные тормозные пути в зависимости от начальной скорости
автомобиля. Данные в этой таблице приведены для равномерного
торможения, когда колеса не заклинены и нет проскальзывания. Заметьте,
что эти данные не зависят от типа автомобиля. Эта независимость от
массы действительна и в случае заклиненных колес.
Если на одинаковых поверхностях коэффициент трения для обоих
автомобилей один и тот же (а это приблизительно так), то сила трения
будет равна mmg, а ускорение, направленное против скорости, равно mg,
т.е. не зависит от массы. Два автомобиля с разными массами остановятся
на одинаковом расстоянии. Этот факт не всегда очевиден для учащихся, а
в практике преподавания не уделялось достаточного внимания его
Один из простых опытов, демонстрирующих это явление,
схематически показан на рис. 1. Указанные два ската могут быть сделаны
из дерева или других доступных материалов.
В первом опыте на поверхность тележки гладкой стороной вниз
помещается кафельная плитка. Затем нагруженную тележку отпускают, и
она катится вниз до тех пор, пока не ударится о край более короткого
ската. В этот момент плитка соскользнет с тележки и заскользит вниз,
пока не остановится, подобно маленькому «экономичному» автомобилю в
нашем примере из реальной жизни. Если скаты построены так, что имеют
одинаковый угол наклона, а высота меньшего ската d равна высоте
тележки, то плитка соскользнет на вторую плоскость почти без помех.
Второй опыт производится теперь с двумя плитками. Поместите
плитки на тележку шершавыми поверхностями друг к другу таким
образом, чтобы они действовали как единое физическое тело. Они будут
представлять тяжелый автомобиль в нашем примере. Если эксперимент
проведен правильно, то будет видно, что оба автомобиля остановятся на
одинаковом расстоянии.
Чтобы место остановки в обоих опытах было лучше видно, следует
отметить одним флажком середину плитки, а другим - место остановки на
нижней плоскости.
Для того чтобы скорость автомобиля в обоих опытах была
одинаковой, кинетическая энергия вращения колес должна быть
пренебрежимо малой по сравнению со всей кинетической энергией
тележки. Поэтому лучше всего подойдет массивная тележка с легкими
колесами. Такие тележки имеются в фондах многих учебных коллекторов.
На русском языке
Демонстрация тормозного пути автомобиля на уроках физики. Grimm
R.D. A classroom demonstration of automobile stopping distances. "The
Physics Teacher", N.Y., 1998 No. 11, ил. (англ.).
Материал курса физики должен отвечать практическим интересам
обучаемых. Например, учащимся в том возрасте, когда они начинают
водить машину, можно предложить задачу: «Два автомобиля весом в 700
кг и 1200 кг движутся с одинаковой скоростью. Какой автомобиль
остановится раньше, если оба водителя затормозят одновременно?».
Предлагается ознакомиться с руководством по вождению автомобиля и с
данными о длине тормозного пути в зависимости от начальной скорости.
Указывается, что, поскольку при одинаковом коэффициенте трения сила
трения равна mmg, а ускорение, направленное против скорости, равно mg,
оба автомобиля остановятся одновременно. Для наглядности проводится
следующий опыт: с помощью устройства из двух скатов с одинаковым
углом наклона и спускаемой тележкой, на которую в первом опыте
кладется одна, а во втором - две кафельные плитки, имитируются легкий и
тяжелый автомобили (см. рис. 1). При ударе о край короткого ската
плитки соскользнут с тележки и будут скользить вниз, пока не
остановятся. Из опыта видно, что оба автомобиля пройдут одинаковый
тормозной путь.
На английском языке
Grimm R.D. A classroom demonstration of automobile stopping distances.
"The Physics Teacher", N.Y., 1998, No. 11.
Recognizing that physics course material is often irrelevant, it is necessary
to identify physical concepts with things that are important to students. An
example of the stopping distances of two cars with different masses can teach
some physics. It is shown that if the со efficient of friction is the same for the
two cars on the same surface, then the friction force is мmg and the deceleration
is мg, independent of mass. Thus the two cars will stop at the same distance.
A simple demonstration of this concept is set up with two ramps with the
same angles of inclination and a cart with one and then two bathroom tiles (see
Fig. 1). It will be seen that the two tiles will skid to a stop in the same distance.
The same will be true for the imitated cars.
На русском языке
Демонстрация тормозного пути автомобиля на уроках физики. Grimm
R.D. A classroom demonstration of automobile, stopping distances. "The
Physics Teacher", N.Y., 1998, No. 11, ил. (англ.).
Рассматривается проблема отбора учебного материала, адекватного
практическим интересам учащихся старших классов средней школы при
изучении физики. Описывается простой опыт, демонстрирующий
независимость тормозного пути тел от их массы при условии одинаковой
начальной скорости движения на одинаковой поверхности при одном и
том же коэффициенте трения.
На английском языке
Grimm R.D. A classroom demonstration of automobile stopping distances.
"The Physics Teacher", N.Y., 1998, No. 11.
The choice of facts that can teach some physics and are at the same time
important to high school students is discussed. A simple classroom
demonstration showing the lack of dependence of stopping distances on mass
provided the initial velocity and the coefficients of friction are the same for
bodies in motion on the same surface is made.
Категория: Аннотирование и реферирование исходного текста | Добавил: Касьянова
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